Home » Birds of Morocco » Movements of four White-backed Vultures GPS-tagged at Jbel Moussa

Movements of four White-backed Vultures GPS-tagged at Jbel Moussa

GPS tracking of four White-backed Vultures at Jbel Moussa reveals fascinating movements across Morocco, Spain, and the Sahel region.

Le suivi GPS de quatre Vautours africains à Jbel Moussa révèle des mouvements fascinants à travers le Maroc, l’Espagne et le Sahel.

Between 11 May and early June 2024, four White-backed Vultures (Gyps africanus) were colour-ringed and equipped with GPS transmitters at the Jbel Moussa Vulture Rehabilitation Centre. This work was carried out by AMPOVIS (Association Marocaine de Protection des Oiseaux et de la Vie Sauvage) in collaboration with AMPR (Association Marocaine pour la Protection des Rapaces) and other partners. The four vultures were named GA01, GA02, GA03, and GA04.

GA01 and GA02, both immature birds of 2cy, were tagged on 11 and 12 May, respectively. GA04, a 3cy immature, represents the first recorded instance of this age group in the Western Palearctic, according to Rachid El Khamlichi.

White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus), 3cy immature, at Jbel Moussa, northern Morocco, 27 May 2024 (Rachid El Khamlichi).
White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus), 3cy immature, at Jbel Moussa, northern Morocco, 27 May 2024 (Rachid El Khamlichi).

Movements and whereabout of the vultures

Since their capture and release just over two months ago, the tracked vultures have taken different routes through Morocco, Spain, and sub-Saharan Africa.

Two vultures, GA01 and GA04, initially travelled to central-western Morocco, spending time in livestock-rich agricultural areas before returning north to Jbel Moussa.

GA02 seemed to be in a hurry as it headed south to around Guelmim region before crossing the Sahara Desert in an S-N direction, and is currently in southwestern Mali.

GA03 travelled northern Morocco before crossing the Strait of Gibraltar in June. But unfortunately, after nearly two months of exploring food-rich areas in southwestern Spain, it lost its life. The circumstances of its death are currently under investigation.

Movements of the four GPS-tracked White-backed Vultures in Morocco, Spain and the Sahel region.
Movements of the four GPS-tracked White-backed Vultures in Morocco, Spain and the Sahel region (AMPOVIS & partners).

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