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Jbel Moussa

Index of articles about birds, particularly raptors, observed in the area of Jbel Moussa, northern Morocco.

Movements of four White-backed Vultures GPS-tagged at Jbel Moussa

White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus), 3cy immature, at Jbel Moussa, northern Morocco, 27 May 2024 (Rachid El Khamlichi).

GPS tracking of four White-backed Vultures at Jbel Moussa reveals fascinating movements across Morocco, Spain, and the Sahel region. Le suivi GPS de quatre Vautours africains à Jbel Moussa révèle des mouvements fascinants à travers le Maroc, l’Espagne et le Sahel. — Between 11 May and early June 2024, four White-backed Vultures (Gyps africanus) were […]

Movements of four White-backed Vultures GPS-tagged at Jbel Moussa Read More »

Griffon Vulture breeds at Jbel Moussa, Morocco

Griffon Vultures mating at Jbel Moussa, northern Morocco, January 2021 (Jbel Moussa Vulture Rehabilitation Centre).

Griffon Vulture started breeding again in Morocco following a very successful reintroduction trial at Jbel Moussa by the Moroccan Department of Forestry in cooperation with GREPOM. Watching Griffon Vultures mating and starting breeding for the first time ever at Jbel Moussa is a real joy. And that’s for several reasons, the most important of which

Griffon Vulture breeds at Jbel Moussa, Morocco Read More »

Wing-tagging of Cinereous, Griffon and Rüppell’s vultures at Jbel Moussa

Rüppell's Vulture / Vautour de Rüppell (Gyps rueppelli): 'M1', Jbel Moussa region, 17 Aug. 2018 (Rachid El Khamlichi).

Wing-tagging and release of Cinereous, Griffon and Rüppell’s vultures at Jbel Moussa on 17 August 2018. This operation was organised by the Moroccan Forestry Administration (HCEFLCD) in collaboration with a number of national institutions and NGOs. Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus) This bird was found at Khmis Anjra, located some 30 Km south of the Strait

Wing-tagging of Cinereous, Griffon and Rüppell’s vultures at Jbel Moussa Read More »

Spanish Imperial Eagle dispersion in North Africa in 2017

Spanish Imperial Eagle / Aigle ibérique (Aquila adalberti), near Tanger-Med port, 12 September 2017 (Rachid El Khamlichi).

Dispersion and overwintering of Spanish Imperial Eagles (Aquila adalberti) in Morocco, and northern Africa in general, is becoming regular and in relatively good numbers (for an endangered ‘sedentary’ species). As in previous years, this autumn at least 4 eagles crossed the Strait of Gibraltar to North Africa. We say “at least” because not every bird

Spanish Imperial Eagle dispersion in North Africa in 2017 Read More »

Rüppell’s Vulture wing-tagged at Jbel Moussa, Morocco

Rüppell's Vulture (Gyps rueppelli) wing-tagged and released at Jbel Moussa, northern Morocco (Sept 2016).

Marquage d’un Vautour de Rüppell dans le cadre du programme de marquage des vautours par des marques alaires au Maroc (voir au-dessous de la vidéo). Over five thousands Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) migrate through northern Morocco twice a year, and an increasing number of Rüppell’s Vultures (Gyps rueppelli) are also migrating through the region (a paradox,

Rüppell’s Vulture wing-tagged at Jbel Moussa, Morocco Read More »

Lesser Spotted Eagles at Jbel Moussa, Morocco

Lesser Spotted Eagle at Jbel Moussa, northern Morocco, 24 June 2017 (Rachid El Khamlichi)

Single Lesser Spotted Eagles (Clanga pomarina) migrating through the Strait of Gibraltar in northern Morocco in 2016 and 2017. The first observation is of a 2nd calendar-year bird photographed at Jbel Moussa on 21 May 2016. This is the fourth record of the species in Morocco. The first Moroccan record was observed at Merzouga in April 1996 by

Lesser Spotted Eagles at Jbel Moussa, Morocco Read More »