Since mid-December, four rare North American bird species have been observed in various parts of Morocco.
Quatre espèces d’oiseaux rares de l’Amérique du Nord observées au Maroc en décembre : un Fuligule à tête noire (ou Petit fuligule), deux Sarcelles à ailes bleues, trois Canards à front blanc (ou Canard d’Amérique) et un Pluvier bronzé.
Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis)
A Lesser Scaup was discovered at Daya Dar Bouazza on 25 December 2024 by Saida Bona.
This is the 10th record for Morocco.
Blue-winged Teal (Spatula discors)
Two Blue-winged Teals were observed at Oued Massa by Dutch birder Jibbe Boschma on 30 December 2024. The birds remained there at least until 5 January 2025.
With over 30 records in Morocco, the Blue-winged Teal, along with the Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris), are the most frequently observed North American ducks in the country.
American Wigeon (Mareca americana)
Three American Wigeons were observed on 21 December 2024 at a meadow near the Oualidia saltpans by Carlos Gutierrez, Aron Blázquez, Fernando Jubete, and Nayib Hamdoun.
This represents the 7th record for Morocco.
American Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica)
An American Golden Plover was found at Oued Souss near Inezgane by a group of Dutch birders (Geert Hooijmeijer, Rens Keijsers, Thomas Los, and Tim Schippe). It was first observed on 14 December 2024 and stayed there until at least 28 December, allowing more birders the opportunity to observed it.
This is the 8th record for Morocco.
You mean American Golden Plover.