First record of Pygmy Sunbird (Hedydipna platura) for Algeria.
La première observation du Souimanga pygmée dans l’Algérie.
During a birding trip in autumn 2023 to southern Algeria, members of Écocirta Association, in coordination with the local Tijem Association*, documented the first Pygmy Sunbird for the country.
The group photographed a male and a female Pygmy Sunbirds in the Wilaya of Bordj Badji Mokhtar, in the extreme south of Algeria. The nearest breeding areas are located hundreds of km to the south.
A paper will be published soon about this observation.
This is one of the latest Sahelian species to be added to the Algerian list, after a host of other species have been added during the last few years. We can cite the African Grey Woodpecker (Dendropicos goertae), Chestnut-bellied Starling (Lamprotornis pulcher), White-throated Bee-eater (Merops albicollis), African Green Bee-eater (Merops viridissimus), Cricket warbler (Spiloptila clamans), Northern Grey-headed Sparrow (Passer griseus),…etc.

* Full name of the association: Tejim Association for the Development and Promotion of Tourism in the Wilaya of Bordj Badji Mokhtar – جمعية تيجم لتطوير وترقية السياحة بولاية برج باجي مختار