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illegal hunting

Articles about the illegal killing of protected birds, illegal hunting (of legal game birds) and illegal capture and trade in birds (e.g. falcons).

Spanish Marbled Ducks migrate to Africa to escape hunters’ guns

Three Marbled Ducks satellite-tracked from El Hondo, south-east Spain, are in central Algeria. These are the only surviving birds out of a total of 27 Marbled Ducks.

A total of 27 Marbled Ducks were satellite-tracked in south-east Spain, of these only three have survived by migrating to Algeria. Most of the birds that stayed locally were shot dead or are missing. The most threatened duck in Europe With a decreasing population, the Marbled Duck (Marmaronetta angustirostris) is classed globally as ‘Vulnerable’ in

Spanish Marbled Ducks migrate to Africa to escape hunters’ guns Read More »

26 live falcons seized at Casablanca Airport, Morocco

Live falcons seized at Casablanca Airport by Customs officials (Moroccan Customs Administration).

Customs officials managed to foil the illegal export of 26 live falcons last week at Casablanca’s Mohammed V International Airport. The Moroccan Customs Administration said in a statement that the falcons were transported without permission by a foreign national. It added that the raptors were hidden inside wooden crates arranged for this purpose. The 26

26 live falcons seized at Casablanca Airport, Morocco Read More »

Turtle Dove slaughter in Morocco by foreign hunters (video)

Turtle Dove slaughter in Marrakech region by foreign hunters. Those same hunters appeared in the video and other photos not shown here.

A massacre of nearly 1500 Turtle Doves in one day by foreign tourist hunters in the Marrakech region sparked great outrage in Morocco. The total exceeded by three times the hunting quota set by the law, according to an official inquiry. A hunting party organized in the region of Marrakech has turned into a real

Turtle Dove slaughter in Morocco by foreign hunters (video) Read More »

Two Egyptian Vultures released in Italy shot and poisoned during migration

‘Bianca’, a young Egyptian Vulture released in southern Italy, and found dead in Tunisia. Probably died because of secondary poisoning (Hichem Azafzaf / Association "Les Amis des Oiseaux" (AAO)).

Two captive-bred Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus) released in southern Italy last August died shortly after they started their migration. One bird shot dead by an illegal hunter in western Sicily, while the other died two days after it arrived to Tunisia, probably poisoned. The Egyptian Vulture in Italy: Egyptian Vulture numbers have decreased by more

Two Egyptian Vultures released in Italy shot and poisoned during migration Read More »

French Montagu’s Harrier shot dead in Morocco

Busard cendré (Circus pygargus) suivi par balise GPS de la France retrouvé mort au Maroc, probablement abattu par des braconniers, 26 août 2018 (Karim Rousselon).

Montagu’s Harrier satellite-tracked from France found dead in Morocco, most likely shot by hunters/poachers. Un Busard cendré suivi par balise GPS de la France est trouvé mort au Maroc, très probablement abattu par des braconniers (En français au-dessous de la 2ème photo). A Montagu’s Harrier satellite-tracked by the Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé and partners

French Montagu’s Harrier shot dead in Morocco Read More »

صيادون يقتلون النسر الأسمر المحمي في شمال المغرب

نسر أسمر قتله صيادون في شمال المغرب، نوفمبر 2016

Hunters shot dead a Griffon Vulture in northern Morocco and its consequences (See below the photo). مرة أخرى النسر الأسمر يقع ضحية صياد جاهل أو مغرور. لمذا قتل؟ هل يؤكل كما يؤكل الحجل مثلاً، أم أنه طائر ضار قد أضر بالفلاحة وما إلى ذلك؟ لا ثم لا. هذا الطائر و جميع انواع النسور الاخرى تتغذى

صيادون يقتلون النسر الأسمر المحمي في شمال المغرب Read More »