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bird electrocution

Articles about the problem of bird electrocution in Morocco.

Raptor electrocutions at Guelmim continue

Electrocuted Atlas Long-legged Buzzards (Buteo rufinus cirtensis), Guelmim region, November 2017 (Karim Laïdi)

During a recent 3-hour tour between Oued Bou-Issafene and the Fort Bou Jerif track in Guelmim region, Karim Laïdi, Juan Navarro Rodriguez and Brahim Bakass recorded 23 Atlas Long-legged Buzzard, 2 Golden Eagles and 1 Lanner Falcon. The majority of these birds were juveniles (1cy) and immatures. Along the same transect, they found 3 recently electrocuted […]

Raptor electrocutions at Guelmim continue Read More »

Raptor mortality by electrocution in power lines in Morocco (report)

Three-year old Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) found electrocuted in the Guelmim area on 5 March 2016 by Houssien Kharraz.

In October 2015, three Spanish Imperial Eagles were found electrocuted in the Guelmim region, southern Morocco. It was thanks to a satellite-tracked eagle that these birds were found by Ali Irizi and two agents from the Moroccan Forestry Administration. This bird was one of six Spanish Imperial Eagles fitted with satellite transmitters in 2015 (and all have

Raptor mortality by electrocution in power lines in Morocco (report) Read More »

Identification de la mortalité des rapaces par électrocution au Maroc (rapport)

Recent carcasses of Bonelli's (Aquila fasciata) and Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), both juveniles, on Line B2, Guelmim, January 2016 (Catarina Machado)

Read ‘Raptor mortality by electrocution in power lines in Morocco‘ for the summary in English. En octobre 2015, trois Aigles ibériques électrocutés ont été retrouvés dans la région de Guelmim, au sud-ouest du Maroc. C’était grâce à un aigle muni d’un émetteur satellitaire que ces oiseaux ont été repérés par Ali Irizi et deux agents

Identification de la mortalité des rapaces par électrocution au Maroc (rapport) Read More »

Electrocution of Spanish Imperial, Bonelli’s and Golden eagles at Guelmim

Bird 2: Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) electrocuted in the Guelmim region, 22 October 2015 (Ali Irizi)

Six young Spanish Imperial Eagles (Aquila adalberti) satellite-tracked from southern Spain visited Morocco this autumn. Last month, we published the news about one of these eagles that did not move from a single point located in Guelmim region. Project coordinators at Junta de Andalucía and Doñana Biological Station suspected that it may have been dead

Electrocution of Spanish Imperial, Bonelli’s and Golden eagles at Guelmim Read More »

Prey availability and pylons: a lethal mix for eagles

Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila fasciata) carrying a Fat Sand Rat (Psammomys obesus), Guelmim region, Morocco, 7 Nov 2015 (Ali Irizi)

Guelmim region is one of the most frequented areas by Spanish Imperial Eagles (Aquila adalberti) wintering in Morocco. In this region, they share the space and the resources with another Mediterranean raptor, the Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila fasciata) which is very abundant in this area outside the breeding season. The first photo shows a Bonelli’s Eagle

Prey availability and pylons: a lethal mix for eagles Read More »