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Birds of Algeria

Index of articles about “Algerian birds”: ornithological studies and reports, rare birds sightings, general birding news,…etc. In short, everything about birds and birding in Algeria is filed under this category.


First White-throated Bee-eater, Village Indigobird and Cut-throat Finch for Algeria

White-throated Bee-eater / Guêpier à gorge blanche (Merops albicollis)

A recent birding trip to southern Algeria produced three new bird species for the country: White-throated Bee-eater, Village Indigobird and Cut-throat Finch. [See also the results of another group’s expedition: Blue-naped Mousebirds and Black Scrub Robins in southern Algeria]. A group of amateur and professional Algerian researchers organized a birding expedition in southern Algeria in […]

First White-throated Bee-eater, Village Indigobird and Cut-throat Finch for Algeria Read More »

Two Rustic Buntings at Tademaït Plateau, Central Algeria

Rustic Bunting (Emberiza rustica), Tademaït Plateau, Central Algeria, 23 Nov. 2021 (Robert Minshull).

Deux Bruants rustiques observés dans le plateau du Tademaït dans le Sahara central algérien le 23 novembre 2021 (Robert Minshull). C’est la deuxième mention de l’espèce pour l’Algérie. Two Rustic Buntings found at Tademaït Plateau in Central Algerian Sahara on 23 November 2021. Robert Minshull first heard the birds’ call before trying to get some

Two Rustic Buntings at Tademaït Plateau, Central Algeria Read More »

First African Crake, Red-tailed Shrike and Little Bunting for Algeria

Red-tailed Shrike / Pie-grièche du Turkestan (Lanius phoenicuroides), Skikda, northern Algeria, 9 Oct. 2020 (Youcef Karrit)

Three new species were added to the Algerian list in autumn 2020: Red-tailed Shrike, Little Bunting and African Crake. The Red-tailed Shrike (Lanius phoenicuroides) was discovered and photographed at Skikda on 9 October by Youcef Karrit. This is also the first record for the whole Northwest Africa. Other closely related species are also very rare

First African Crake, Red-tailed Shrike and Little Bunting for Algeria Read More »

Spanish Marbled Ducks tracked to Africa

This GPS-tracked Marbled Duck made a round-trip from Spain to Algeria and back in about 24 hours (Ecology Research Group at Miguel Hernandez University of Elche)

Movements of two satellite-tracked Marbled Ducks (Marmaronetta angustirostris) from Spain to North Africa. One of them, made a spectacular round-trip in 24 hours. As part of the ‘Marbled Duck reintroduction project’ in the Valencian Community (SE Spain), 21 birds were fitted with GPS-trackers and released into El Hondo Natural Park (Some birds are of wild

Spanish Marbled Ducks tracked to Africa Read More »

Split of Western and Eastern Subalpine Warblers confirmed

Western Subalpine Warbler (Sylvia iberiae) photographed in Morocco by Phil Gower.

A new study confirmed that the ‘Subalpine Warbler’ complex is indeed composed of three different species (Moltoni’s Warbler, Western and Eastern Subalpine Warblers). The ‘IOC World Bird List’ accepted the split as proposed by the study. (Note: the main research about the “taxonomy of the Subalpine Warbler species complex” between mid-1990s and 2013 is well

Split of Western and Eastern Subalpine Warblers confirmed Read More »

European Cinereous Vultures wandering across Africa

Cinereous Vulture

Two satellite-tagged Cinereous Vultures (Aegypius monachus) from France and Spain have been tracked to Africa. One has reached as far south as the Niger-Nigeria border, while the other is touring northern Africa after having first spent the winter in the Sahel area. These are the first individuals GPS-tracked in their breeding areas in Europe to

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First record of Jacobin Cuckoo for North Africa

Jacobin Cuckoo / Coucou jacobin (Clamator jacobinus), Tamanrasset, southern Algeria, 5 Oct. 2019 (Karim Haddad).

Two Jacobin Cuckoos photographed at Tamanrasset in October 2019. This is the first record for Algeria and North Africa. Jacobin or Pied Cuckoo (Clamator jacobinus) is distributed in Africa south of the Sahara and in India and Sri Lanka. It’s very rare in the Western Palearctic region (WP). Members of the Association EcoCirta encountered this

First record of Jacobin Cuckoo for North Africa Read More »

Algerian Nuthatch habitat threatened by a controversial project

Algerian Nuthatch (Sitta ledanti), Bouafroun Forest, Djimla, Algeria, July 2019 (Walid Soukkou).

A project to create a “recreational forest” in the Bouafroun Forest in Djimla could jeopardise the habitat of the Algerian Nuthatch and other wildlife according to Algerian environmental activists. The project named “Bouafoune Forest for Entertainment and Recreation, Jijel” is developed by a private investor under the name “Bouafroune Services & Commerce Ltd”.  It was

Algerian Nuthatch habitat threatened by a controversial project Read More »