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Four North American rarities in Morocco

Since mid-December, four rare North American bird species have been observed in various parts of Morocco. Quatre espèces d’oiseaux rares de l’Amérique du Nord observées au Maroc en décembre : un Fuligule à tête noire (ou Petit fuligule), deux Sarcelles à ailes bleues, trois Canards à front blanc (ou Canard d’Amérique) et un Pluvier bronzé. […]

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Andalusian Buttonquail in Morocco is declining

Andalusian Buttonquail / Turnix d’Andalousie (Turnix sylvaticus sylvaticus): an adult female at Sidi Abed, Morocco, 12 June 2010 (Carlos Gutiérrez-Expósito)

The last known Andalusian Buttonquail population is declining and its suitable habitats are shrinking according to a study published recently in Global Ecology and Conservation. The Common Buttonquail (Turnix sylvaticus) is widely distributed in Africa and South Asia and is currently categorized as ‘Least Concern’ in the IUCN Red List. However, the nominate subspecies –

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Andalusian Buttonquail declared extinct in Spain

Andalusian Buttonquail / Turnix d'Andalousie (Turnix sylvaticus sylvaticus), Doukkala region, Morocco, June 2014 (Carlos Gutiérrez Expósito).

The Spanish Government officially declared the Andalusian Buttonquail as extinct in Spain. This is the first bird species to go extinct in Europe since the extinction of the Great Auk (Pinguinus impennis) almost 170 years ago. There are, however, some differences between the two extinctions. The Great Auk is lost forever, whereas the Andalusian Buttonquail

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