Home » Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)

Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)

Articles and news about the Northern Bald Ibis in Morocco and elsewhere.

Northern Bald Ibis breeds in Switzerland for the first time in 400 years

Northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita) sitting on its nest built on the windowsill of a Harley-Davidson dealer in an industrial area near Zurich airport, June 2023 (Martin Meier).

First breeding of the Northern Bald Ibis in Switzerland in 400 years. A pair have chosen to nest in a very strange place: a windowsill of a Harley-Davidson dealer. The only remaining wild colonies of the Northern Bald Ibis are located in the Souss-Massa National Park and Tamri cliffs, south-west Morocco. Two reintroduction projects are

Northern Bald Ibis breeds in Switzerland for the first time in 400 years Read More »

Northern Bald Ibis in Morocco since 1900: Analysis of ecological requirements

Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) named ‘Aylal’, Souss Massa National Park, October 2019 (Abdeslam Rihane)

How Northern Bald Ibis managed to survive in Morocco? In other words, which are the most important factors that determine the survival of the Northern Bald Ibis colonies in Morocco? A recent study gave us some good answers. Historically widespread, now reduced to a small restricted area Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) had once a

Northern Bald Ibis in Morocco since 1900: Analysis of ecological requirements Read More »

GPS tags cause corneal opacity in Northern Bald Ibis

Northern Bald Ibis ‘SHORTY’ (ring number 028), Waldrappteam, LIFE Northern Bald Ibis.

Unilateral corneal opacity as a result of GPS tracking in a European Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) population released in the context of a LIFE+ reintroduction project Fritz J., Eberhard B., Esterer C., Trobe D. & Scope A. Waldrappteam | LIFE Northern Bald Ibis | 6162 Mutters, AustriaCorresponding author: Johannes Fritz | jfritz@waldrapp.eu | www.waldrapp.eu

GPS tags cause corneal opacity in Northern Bald Ibis Read More »

Record breeding season for Northern Bald Ibis in Morocco

Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) in Morocco (Youness Tamraoui).

The Northern Bald Ibis population in Morocco had yet another good breeding season in 2018 despite the adverse weather conditions during the chick rearing period. The breeding population in the two colonies of Souss-Massa National Park and Tamri has reached a record number of 147 breeding pairs (122 pairs in 2017, see graph below). The

Record breeding season for Northern Bald Ibis in Morocco Read More »

Northern Bald Ibis’ IUCN Red List status updated

Local conservation efforts for the Northern Bald Ibis have increased population number to over 147 breeding pairs in Morocco (photo by D. Faulder).

The conservation status of the Northern Bald Ibis has been improved from Critically Endangered to Endangered on the latest IUCN Red List assessment. L’état de conservation de l’Ibis chauve a été amélioré, passant de « En danger critique d’extinction » à « En danger » dans la dernière évaluation de la Liste Rouge de l’UICN. The Northern Bald Ibis

Northern Bald Ibis’ IUCN Red List status updated Read More »

New Northern Bald Ibis breeding sites discovered in Morocco

Northern Bald Ibis / Ibis chauve (Geronticus eremita), Souss-Massa National Park, Morocco (Lutz Dürselen)

The breeding of Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) in the last wild population in southern Morocco has been exceptional during the last few years. With this breeding output, the establishment of new breeding colonies was expected for some time now. The productivity ranged between 1 and 1.7 fledged chicks per breeding pair, and the overall

New Northern Bald Ibis breeding sites discovered in Morocco Read More »

Ibis chauve au Maroc: Zoom sur la dernière population sauvage

Colonie de l’Ibis chauve (Geronticus eremita) au Maroc

L’ibis chauve (Geronticus eremita) est une espèce d’oiseau en danger critique d’extinction, du fait de ses faibles effectifs et de son aire de répartition réduite. Aujourd’hui, la dernière population sauvage reproductrice au monde occupe la bande littorale atlantique du sud-ouest marocain, au niveau du Parc National Souss-Massa (PNSM) et des falaises de Tamri. Depuis 1991,

Ibis chauve au Maroc: Zoom sur la dernière population sauvage Read More »

Northern Bald Ibis crossing between Spain and Morocco

Colour-ringed Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) from the reintroduction project in Andalusia, Spain observed at Merja Bergha, Morocco, May 2007 (Todor Todorov).

The only viable wild population of Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) exists in Morocco. The tiny wild population in Syrian desert is unfortunately on the verge of extinction. There is also a semi-wild population in Turkey. In Europe, there are two reintroduction projects: one in Austria and Germany (Waldrapp Project), and another in Andalusia, Spain

Northern Bald Ibis crossing between Spain and Morocco Read More »

Northern Bald Ibis at Larache, northern Morocco

Northern Bald Ibis - Ibis chauve (Geronticus eremita), Larache, northern Morocco, 1 March 2016 (Imad Yassine)

Two Northern Bald Ibises (Geronticus eremita) were photographed yesterday at Larache, northern Morocco by Moroccan birder Imad Yassine. The birds were not ringed, so they are either from the Moroccan population or from the introduced population in southern Spain (if they have some birds not ringed?). The Moroccan breeding colonies at Tamri and Souss-Massa National

Northern Bald Ibis at Larache, northern Morocco Read More »