Home » Little Bunting (Emberiza pusilla)

Little Bunting (Emberiza pusilla)

First African Crake, Red-tailed Shrike and Little Bunting for Algeria

Red-tailed Shrike / Pie-grièche du Turkestan (Lanius phoenicuroides), Skikda, northern Algeria, 9 Oct. 2020 (Youcef Karrit)

Three new species were added to the Algerian list in autumn 2020: Red-tailed Shrike, Little Bunting and African Crake. The Red-tailed Shrike (Lanius phoenicuroides) was discovered and photographed at Skikda on 9 October by Youcef Karrit. This is also the first record for the whole Northwest Africa. Other closely related species are also very rare

First African Crake, Red-tailed Shrike and Little Bunting for Algeria Read More »