Ecologist and environmental consultant / Écologiste et consultant en environnement.
Keywords: ecological studies, monitoring of bird populations (raptors, passerines, waterbirds, etc.), environmental impact studies (renewable energies, wetlands, etc.)
Mots clés : études écologiques, suivi des populations d’oiseaux (rapaces, passereaux, oiseaux d’eaux, etc.), études d’impact sur l’environnement (énergies renouvelables, zones humides, etc.).
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Affiliations and membership
- Moroccan Rare Birds Committee (Commission d’Homologation Marocaine, CHM) since January 2014.
- GREPOM/BirdLife Morocco (Group for Research and Protection of Birds in Morocco) since over a decade. And have been a member of its National Council between 2015 and 2019.
- AMPOVIS (Association Marocaine de Protection des Oiseaux et de la Vie Sauvage): a founding member in January 2017.
Note: my name in Latin letters is spelt as Mohamed Amezian. That said, it’s also sometimes spelt (by others) as: Mohamed Ameziane, Mohammed Amezian and Mohammed Ameziane. (I have also seen my name written as ‘M. Armezian’ twice (adding the letter R, I don’t know how this happened). Arabic: محمد أمزيان
Peer-reviewed journals / Revues à comité de lecture
Alonso, J.C., Palacín, C., Onrubia, A., Aboulouafae, R., Amezian, M., El Idrissi Essougrati, A., El Khamlichi, R. & Noaman, M. 2016. Alarming decline and range reduction of the highly threatened Great Bustard Otis tarda in Morocco. Ostrich 87: 277-280.
Amezian, M. & El Khamlichi, R. 2016. Significant population of Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus found in Morocco. Ostrich 87: 73-76.
Amezian, M., Bergier, P. & Qninba, A. 2014. Autumn-winter breeding by Cream-coloured Coursers Cursorius cursor is more common than previously reported. Wader Study Group Bulletin 121: 177-180.
Amezian, M., El Khamlichi, R. & Elbanak, A. 2012. Breeding of Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus in the mixed heronry adjacent to Smir marshes, northern Morocco. Alauda 80: 33-38.
Amezian, M., Thompson, I., Bensusan, K., Cortes, J., Louah, A. & Qninba, A. 2011. On regular wintering of Eurasian Penduline Tits Remiz pendulinus in northern Morocco. Ostrich 82: 39-42.
Amezian, M., Cortes, J., Thompson, I., Bensusan, K., Perez, C., Louah, A., El Agbani, M.A. & Qninba, A. 2010. Complete moult of an undescribed resident taxon of the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus / baeticatus complex in the Smir marshes, Northern Morocco. Ardea 98: 225–234.
Benazzouz, B., Mouna, M., Amezian, M., Bensusan, K., Perez, C. & Cortes, J. 2009. Assessment and conservation of the dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) at the marshes of Smir. Bull. Inst. Sci., Rabat, section Sciences de la Vie 31: 79-84.
El Agbani, M.A., Qninba, A., Amezian, M., Cuzin, F. & Dakki, M. 2009. Le peuplement d’oiseaux d’eau du complexe des zones humides de Smir (Nord du Maroc): état actuel, intérêt patrimonial et évolution depuis les quatre dernières décennies. Bull. Inst. Sci., Rabat, section Sciences de la Vie 31: 103-110.
Küpper, C. Edwards, S.V., Kosztolányi, A., Alrashidi, M., Burke, T., Herrmann, P., Argüelles-Tico, A., Amat, J.A., Amezian, M., Rocha, A., Hötker, H., Ivanov, A., Chernicko, J. & Székely, T. 2012. High gene flow on a continental scale in the polyandrous Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Molecular Ecology 21: 5864-5879.
Liéron, V., Poulouin, E., Amezian M., Qninba, A. & Thévenot, M. 2008. Inventaire des Chiroptères de l’arrière-pays du port Tanger-Méditerranée (Nord-Ouest du Maroc). Bull. Inst. Sci., Rabat, section Sciences de la Vie 30: 53-54.
Mediani, M., Amezian, M., Ibn Tattou, M., Benhoussa, A., Rguibi Idrissi, H., El Agbani, M.A. & Qninba, A. 2009. Nouvelles citations de deux espèces reliques paléarctiques, Emys orbicularis Linnaeus, 1758 et Vipera latastei Boscá, 1878 dans la Péninsule Tingitane (Rif occidental, Maroc). Bull. Inst. Sci., Rabat, section Sciences de la Vie 31: 99-102.
Olsson, U., Rguibi-Idrissi, H., Copete, J. L., Arroyo Matos, J. L., Provost, P., Amezian, M., Alström, P. & Jiguet, F. 2016. Mitochondrial phylogeny of the Eurasian/African reed warbler complex (Acrocephalus, Aves). Disagreement between morphological and molecular evidence and cryptic divergence: A case for resurrecting Calamoherpe ambigua Brehm 1857. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 102: 30–44.
Qninba, A., Radi, M., Amezian, M., Ibn Tattou, M., Samlali, M.L & Slimani, T. 2013. Nouvelle limite méridionale pour le Caméléon commun Chamaeleo chamaeleon (Reptilia, Chamaeleonidae) au Maroc. Bull. Soc. Herp. Fr. 145-146: 199-204.
Birding journals / Revues de birdwatching
Amezian, M., Bensusan, K., Perez, C. & Thompson, I. 2006. Is House Bunting about to colonise Europe? Birding World 19: 163.
Amezian, M., Elbanak, A., Thompson, I., Bensusan, K., Cortes, J. & Qninba, A. 2009. Brown-throated Martins breeding at lower Loukkos, north-western Morocco, in winter of 2007/08. Dutch Birding 31: 304-306.
Amezian, M., Radi, M., Ibn Tattou, M., Khayya, M.L., Samlali, M.L & Qninba, A. 2011. Cricket Longtail breeding in southern Morocco. Dutch Birding 33: 229-233.
Other papers / Autres articles
Amezian, M., Bensusan, K., Perez, C. & Thompson, I. 2006. Report of some rare birds observed in north-western Morocco between 26th & 28th May 2006. Go-South Bulletin 3: 48-50.
Amezian, M., Louah, A., Rguibi Idrissi, H., Thompson, I., Banham, R., Perez, C., Cortes, J. & Qninba, A. 2006. Captures de quelques oiseaux peu communs ou rares dans les marais de Smir au nord du Maroc (automne 2004 – printemps 2005). Go-South Bulletin 3: 10-14.
Bergier, P., Amezian, M., Chevalier, F., Qninba, A., & Rufray, X. 2015. Les observations de Faucons kobez (Falco vespertinus) au Maroc ; afflux en mai 2015 et premières mentions au Sahara Atlantique. Go-South Bulletin 12: 49-54.
Cortes, J. & Amezian, M. 2007. Nesting sites of the Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis in North-western Morocco. Gibraltar Bird Report 6: 51-54.
El Khamlichi, R. & Amezian, M. 2015. La colonia de Espátula común (Platalea leucorodia) de Smir, norte de Marruecos: pasado, presente y futuro. In: Hortas, F. & Ruiz, J. (Eds). La migración intercontinental de la espátula Platalea leucorodia. Grupo de Desarrollo Pesquero Cádiz-Estrecho & Sociedad Gaditana de Historia Natural, Cádiz, pp. 271–276.
El Khamlichi, R. & Amezian, M. 2010. Observations d’Océanites culblancs (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) sur la côte méditerranéenne marocaine. Go-South Bulletin 7: 89-91.
El Khamlichi, R., Amezian, M., El Haoua, M. K. & Bergier, P. 2015. Le Jbel Moussa, Maroc, une zone d’importance pour la conservation des Vautours migrant par le Détroit de Gibraltar. Go-South Bulletin 12: 61–77.
Lamb, B.M., Bensusan, K. & Amezian, M. 2009. Moroccan Asclepiads following autumn storms. Cactus and Succulent Journal 81: 240-255.
Qninba, A., Ouassou, A., Radi, M., El Agbani, M.A., Boumaâza, M., Amezian, M. & Dakki, M., 2017. Recensement hivernal d’oiseaux d’eau au Maroc : 2006-2010. Trav. Inst. Sci., Rabat, Série Zool., n°54, pp. 1-32.
Qninba, A., Radi, M., Amezian, M., Ibn Tattou, M., Khayya, M.L., Samlali, M.L., Khalil, M.L & Hammia, A. 2011. Nidifications automnales d’oiseaux sahariens dans la région d’Oued Ad-Dahab – Lagouira (Maroc méridional). Go-South Bulletin 8: 21-34.
Reports / Rapports
Alonso, J.C., Palacín, C., Onrubia, A., Alazouer, Z., Noaman, M., Lakhdar, M., Amezian, M., Chergui El Hemiani, B., Clavero, H., Sakka, Y. & Cherkaoui, S.I. 2023. Results of the great bustard (Otis tarda) census in Morocco, March 2023. Unpublished report.
Godino, A., Garrido, J.R., El Khamlichi, R., Burón, D., Machado, C., Amezian, M., Irizi, A., Numa, C. & Barrios, V. 2016. Identificación de mortalidad por electrocución de aves rapaces en el sudoeste de Marruecos / Identification de la mortalité des rapaces par électrocution dans le sud-ouest du Maroc. UICN, Malaga.
Amezian, M., Irizi, A., Errati, A., Loran, H., El Khamlichi, R., Morandini, V., González, D. G., Garrido, J.R. 2015. Spanish Imperial Eagles and other eagles found electrocuted in Morocco and proposition of correction measures. figshare. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.1613292
Couto, S., Ouni, R., Porto Paderne, C., Sánchez Cobo, M., Jaramillo, J., Palmás Calvar, B., El Khamlichi, R., Amezian, M. & Elbanak, A. 2013. Estudio de los nidos históricos de quebrantahuesos (Gypaetus barbatus) en Ceuta y su entorno. SEO/BirdLife – GREPOM – TWCS, Granada. Informe inédito. 25 pp.
Moores, R.D., Amezian, M. & Elbanak, A. 2011. Morocco Slender-billed Curlew (Numenius tenuirostris) survey: Mediterranean Coast and northern Atlantic coast, 06.02.2011-13.02.2011. Unpublished report.
Amezian, M. & El Khamlichi, R. 2016. Jbel Moussa on the Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco: an important site for migratory vultures that needs complete protection. 14th Pan-African Ornithological Congress (PAOC 14), Dakar: 16-21 October 2016.
El Hamoumi, R., El Khamlichi, R., Amezian, M., & Ouassou, A. 2015. Review of current state of knowledge on Eurasian Spoonbill in Morocco: Wintering, migration and breeding. VIII International Spoonbill Workshop. AEWA Eurasian Spoonbill International Expert Group. Tour du Valat, Arles: 23-29 November 2015.
Amezian, M., Thompson, I., Cortes, J., Louah, A. & Qninba, A. 2010. Migration and wintering of Bluethroat Luscinia svecica in Smir marshes, northern Morocco. 5èmes Journées Internationales “Oiseaux d’Eau et Zones Humides au Maroc”, Rabat: 23-25 février 2010.
Amezian, M., Qninba, A., Rguibi Idrissi, H., Thompson, I., Cortes, J., Perez, C., Louah, A., El Agbani, M. A. & Bensusan, K. 2009. Complete moult of adult and juvenile Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus in Smir marshes, Northern Morocco. 7th conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Zurich: 21-25 August 2009.
Amezian, M., Louah, A., Thompson, I., Cortes, J.,El Agbani,M. A. & Qninba, A 2007. Les récents changements dans la composition du peuplement d’oiseaux d’eau nicheurs des marais de Smir, Nord-Ouest du Maroc. 4èmes Journées Nationales de Biodiversité, Tétouan: 26-27 octobre 2007.
Amezian, M., Louah, A., Thompson, I., Cortes, J. & Qninba, A. 2007. La migration de la Rousserolle effarvatte Acrocephalus scirpaceus dans les marais de Smir (Nord-Ouest du Maroc). 4èmes Journées Internationales “Oiseaux d’Eau et Zones Humides au Maroc”, El Jadida: 16-17 février 2007.
Cortes, J., Linares, L., Bensusan, K., Thompson, I., Amezian, M., Perez, C. & Hammada, S. 2007. The Gibraltar connection: a study of plant species that link Gibraltar to the Rif. 4èmes Journées Nationales de Biodiversité, Tétouan: 26-27 octobre 2007.
Thompson, I., Amezian, M., Banham, R., Rguibi Idrissi, H., Cortes, J., Perez, C., Bensusan, K., Elbanak, A. & Qninba, A. 2007. Report on bird ringing operations in the Smir wetlands, 2004-2007. 4èmes Journées Nationales de Biodiversité, Tétouan: 26-27 October 2007.
Oliveira, N., Nascimento, T., Vulcano, A. & Andrade, J. (Compilers), 2024. Review of the Implementation of the Species Action Plan for Audouin’s Gull. Report of the Action E5, Project LIFE Ilhas Barreira. SPEA/Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, Lisbon. Unpublished report.
Botha, A. J., Andevski, J., Bowden, C. G. R., Gudka, M., Safford, R. J., Tavares, J. and Williams, N. P. 2017. Multi-species Action Plan to Conserve African-Eurasian Vultures. CMS Raptors MOU Technical Publication No. 5. CMS Technical Series No. 35. Coordinating Unit of the CMS Raptors MOU, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
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