Home » Bird Migration » Moroccan Osprey breeds in southern Spain

Moroccan Osprey breeds in southern Spain

A female Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) born in Morocco in 2012 has been established in a territory in Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain. This Osprey with a colour ring AAD was ringed as nestling at Al-Hoceima National Park in the Rif by Jean Marie Dominici (Parc Naturel Règional de Corse) and Flavio Monti in the framework of a research project on the Mediterranean ospreys.

This is one of the great benefits of the colour ringing; it allows us to know how populations are interconnected in a regional metapopulation. It allows us also to know the origin of the founding birds when new colonies are founded (example of Glossy Ibis at Smir wetland and around the western Mediterranean).

Amigos del Águila Pescadora wrote: “One of the objectives of the Osprey reintroduction project in the Iberian Peninsula is to connect the northern populations with the southern ones. This year a female born in 2012 in Morocco has been established in a territory in Cadiz. I link to a video by José Luis Garzón / Amigos del Águila Pescadora”.

Uno de los objetivos del proyecto de reintroducción del águila pescadora en la península Ibérica es conectar las poblaciones del norte con las del sur. Este año se ha establecido una hembra nacida, el 2012, en Marruecos en un territorio de Cádiz. Os adjunto un vídeo de José Luis Garzón/Amigos del Águila Pescadora.

Thanks to Javi Elorriaga (Tarifa Birding Tours) for the news.

Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) born in Morocco in 2012 found breeding in Cádiz, Spain in 2014 (José Luis Garzón/Amigos del Águila Pescadora)
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) born in Morocco in 2012 found breeding in Cádiz, Spain in 2014 (José Luis Garzón / Amigos del Águila Pescadora)

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