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Conservation News

Index of articles about bird conservation in the broad sense, these include pieces about:

Species of conservation concern (declining and/or endangered species, range-restricted species,…). The articles can be about a success story, a worrying observation,…etc.; and

Threats to birds and other wildlife (illegal hunting, illegal bird trade, bird electrocution,…). These articles have been written from the point of view of raising the awareness of the involved people (e.g. hunters) than about the problem per se. Generally, these are written mainly in Arabic and/or French (In the majority of them, an English version is included below in the same page).

Record breeding season for Northern Bald Ibis in Morocco

Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) in Morocco (Youness Tamraoui).

The Northern Bald Ibis population in Morocco had yet another good breeding season in 2018 despite the adverse weather conditions during the chick rearing period. The breeding population in the two colonies of Souss-Massa National Park and Tamri has reached a record number of 147 breeding pairs (122 pairs in 2017, see graph below). The […]

Record breeding season for Northern Bald Ibis in Morocco Read More »

Northern Bald Ibis’ IUCN Red List status updated

Local conservation efforts for the Northern Bald Ibis have increased population number to over 147 breeding pairs in Morocco (photo by D. Faulder).

The conservation status of the Northern Bald Ibis has been improved from Critically Endangered to Endangered on the latest IUCN Red List assessment. L’état de conservation de l’Ibis chauve a été amélioré, passant de « En danger critique d’extinction » à « En danger » dans la dernière évaluation de la Liste Rouge de l’UICN. The Northern Bald Ibis

Northern Bald Ibis’ IUCN Red List status updated Read More »

Andalusian Buttonquail declared extinct in Spain

Andalusian Buttonquail / Turnix d'Andalousie (Turnix sylvaticus sylvaticus), Doukkala region, Morocco, June 2014 (Carlos Gutiérrez Expósito).

The Spanish Government officially declared the Andalusian Buttonquail as extinct in Spain. This is the first bird species to go extinct in Europe since the extinction of the Great Auk (Pinguinus impennis) almost 170 years ago. There are, however, some differences between the two extinctions. The Great Auk is lost forever, whereas the Andalusian Buttonquail

Andalusian Buttonquail declared extinct in Spain Read More »

Two Egyptian Vultures released in Italy shot and poisoned during migration

‘Bianca’, a young Egyptian Vulture released in southern Italy, and found dead in Tunisia. Probably died because of secondary poisoning (Hichem Azafzaf / Association "Les Amis des Oiseaux" (AAO)).

Two captive-bred Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus) released in southern Italy last August died shortly after they started their migration. One bird shot dead by an illegal hunter in western Sicily, while the other died two days after it arrived to Tunisia, probably poisoned. The Egyptian Vulture in Italy: Egyptian Vulture numbers have decreased by more

Two Egyptian Vultures released in Italy shot and poisoned during migration Read More »

French Montagu’s Harrier shot dead in Morocco

Busard cendré (Circus pygargus) suivi par balise GPS de la France retrouvé mort au Maroc, probablement abattu par des braconniers, 26 août 2018 (Karim Rousselon).

Montagu’s Harrier satellite-tracked from France found dead in Morocco, most likely shot by hunters/poachers. Un Busard cendré suivi par balise GPS de la France est trouvé mort au Maroc, très probablement abattu par des braconniers (En français au-dessous de la 2ème photo). A Montagu’s Harrier satellite-tracked by the Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé and partners

French Montagu’s Harrier shot dead in Morocco Read More »

New Northern Bald Ibis breeding sites discovered in Morocco

Northern Bald Ibis / Ibis chauve (Geronticus eremita), Souss-Massa National Park, Morocco (Lutz Dürselen)

The breeding of Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) in the last wild population in southern Morocco has been exceptional during the last few years. With this breeding output, the establishment of new breeding colonies was expected for some time now. The productivity ranged between 1 and 1.7 fledged chicks per breeding pair, and the overall

New Northern Bald Ibis breeding sites discovered in Morocco Read More »

Raptor electrocutions at Guelmim continue

Electrocuted Atlas Long-legged Buzzards (Buteo rufinus cirtensis), Guelmim region, November 2017 (Karim Laïdi)

During a recent 3-hour tour between Oued Bou-Issafene and the Fort Bou Jerif track in Guelmim region, Karim Laïdi, Juan Navarro Rodriguez and Brahim Bakass recorded 23 Atlas Long-legged Buzzard, 2 Golden Eagles and 1 Lanner Falcon. The majority of these birds were juveniles (1cy) and immatures. Along the same transect, they found 3 recently electrocuted

Raptor electrocutions at Guelmim continue Read More »

صيادون يقتلون النسر الأسمر المحمي في شمال المغرب

نسر أسمر قتله صيادون في شمال المغرب، نوفمبر 2016

Hunters shot dead a Griffon Vulture in northern Morocco and its consequences (See below the photo). مرة أخرى النسر الأسمر يقع ضحية صياد جاهل أو مغرور. لمذا قتل؟ هل يؤكل كما يؤكل الحجل مثلاً، أم أنه طائر ضار قد أضر بالفلاحة وما إلى ذلك؟ لا ثم لا. هذا الطائر و جميع انواع النسور الاخرى تتغذى

صيادون يقتلون النسر الأسمر المحمي في شمال المغرب Read More »